Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Rappers for Obama...

Hypocrites. Manipulators. Liars. Fools.

These are just some of the nouns that could be used to describe the majority of rappers that supported Barack Obama in his presidential campaign. Why? Well, let's examine that.

Most rappers drive large, gas-guzzling, air-polluting SUV's and often travel in motorcades of multiple large, gas-guzzling, air-polluting SUV's.

Many rappers have clothing lines. These clothes are produced overseas in China for slave wages. They often employ black designers, but if you're a black person just looking for a job sewing the clothes together to make your ends meet, hope you can afford a long-term move to the Far East.

Most rappers support the degradation of women. Period.

Most rappers vehemently denounce homosexuality.

Obama ran on:
Energy reform - new and reusable sources of energy and the decrease of our dependence on foreign oil.

Penalizing companies that ship jobs Americans need to overseas locations to save a buck.

Respecting women and personal responsibility - financial and social.

Fighting for the rights of homosexuals (save for marriage).


Clearly, rappers don't subscribe to Obama's platforms.

So why did rappers support Obama? Just because he was black?

Anyone have an answer?

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